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사이트맵 전체메뉴

campus 콘텐츠영역


다솜고등학교 본문

Student Residences Regulation

The Dormitory Management Regulation

Chapter 1 General
  • Article 1 (Purpose)
  • The dormitory provides easy atmosphere to students and makes their body and soul stabilized and feel familial emotion through the community life.
  • Article 2 (Title)
  • The dormitory is called 'Saeng-hwal-gwan'.
  • Article 3 (Management)
  • The housing expense and management fee is governmental-supported. However, the boarders should pay for their food expense.
  • Article 4 (Period of Stay)
  • The period of stay may be extended or reduced by approval of the school principal while the students use the facility during the school days on the school regulation.
  • Article 5 (Restriction of Dormitory Use)
  • Except for boarders and managers, anyone is not allowed to use the facility. However, if there is no harm to boarders' life and facility management, use of the facility can be allowed by approval of the school principal through the management committee.
Chapter 2 Structure
  • Article 6 (Dormitory Steering Committee)
  • The committees for efficient management of the dormitory should be assigned following:
    • ① President : Vice Principal
    • ② Vice President : Chief of Administration
    • ③ Committee : Chief of Education Planning
    • ④ Committee : Chief of Student Life
    • ⑤ Committee : Representative for parents of students
    • ⑥ Dormitory Counseling teacher
  • Article 7 (Function)
  • The committee deliberates and decides the following:
    • ① Amendment of the dormitory management regulation.
    • ② Settlement and consideration of the account for the dormitory management.
    • ③ Other significant matters
  • Article 8 (Meeting)
  • If it is necessary for meeting of the dormitory management committee and the head of the committee calls a meeting and decided by more than half of committee members' attendance and agreements of more than half of attending members.
  • Article 9 (Dormitory Managers)
  • Dormitory managers for life guidance of students should be assigned.
  • Article 10 (Dean of Dormitory)
  • The dean of dormitory charges in guiding and directing work of dormitory managers and entire affairs on managing the dormitory.
    • ① Prompting academic atmosphere
    • ② Life guidance
    • ③ Safety guidance
    • ④ Health and Sanitation guidance
    • ⑤ Management of staying out away and boarding students
    • ⑥ Management of meals for students
    • ⑦ Proposal of moving in and out
    • ⑧ Separate garbage collection
  • Article 11 (Vicarious execution of dormitory managers)
  • When it is time of dormitory manage's absence, teachers who is appointed by the school principal acts for the absent manager.
Chapter 3 Moving in and out
  • Article 12 (Entrance Requirements)
  • The entire students should move to the dormitory as a rule.
  • Article 13 (Eligibility Restrictions)
  • Who satisfy the following condition may restricted to move into the dormitory.
    • ① Patient or infected of infectious disease.
    • ② Who moves out volunteerly without disease or inevitable reasons.
  • Article 14 (Moving-in)
  • The student who want to move into the dormitory should undergo the following procedures.
    • ① Who want moving-in should submit the document with the signature by parents.
    • ② The dormitory manager who received the document should examine weather the student's eligibility is, get an approval by the school principal and notice to the teacher in charge.
    • ③ The student who completes the procedure after receiving instruction for living in the dormitory and is assigned a room and move into the dormitory.
  • Article 15 (Moving-out)
  • When a border wants to move out because of disease or other inevitable reasons, after counseling with the teacher in charge and the life counseling teacher should examine the case and make the student move out with approval by the school principal.
  • Article 16 (Expulsion disposal)
  • For patient or infected with infectious disease, the life counseling teacher may make the student move out with approval by the school principal.
  • Article 17 (Moving-in & out management)
  • The life counseling teacher should record change of numbers by moving in and out.
Chapter 4 Financial and Facility management
  • Article 18 (Financial Management)
  • The expenditure for the dormitory is managed by the school account.
  • Article 19 (Budget and Accounting)
    • ① The planning budget for the dormitory should be confirmed through considering of the dormitory management committee.
    • ② The settlement of the account for the dormitory should follow the school accounting procedure and report to the committee.
  • Article 20 (Dormitory Housing Expense)
  • The housing expense for the student is supported by government as a rule. However, private expense should be paid by the student.
  • Article 21 (Execution of Budget)
    • ① The execution of budget should be in accordance with the school account execution.
    • ② The budget should be executed by the dean of the dormitory.
  • Article 22 (Sanitation Inspection)
  • The rest rooms, shower rooms and corridors in the dormitory should be sanitized every quarter of year.
  • Article 23 (Facilities)
    • ① For managing the facilities, the life counseling teacher should record in the journal and the follow-up measure on the matter should be immediately conducted with repairing.
    • ② The life counseling teacher should inspect cleaning, sanitation, management of the facilities regularly and record and report on them.
Chapter 5 Shift for On Duty
  • Article 24 (Composition of working shift)
  • The work shift for guiding student life is planned based on decrees for the shift.
  • Article 25 (Work on duty)
    • ① The manager should count number of borders and guides them according to time table.
    • ② The manager should enhance a round of inspection and endeavor for safety.
    • ③ The manager should check sanitation, cleaning, dress code of the borders.
    • ④ The manager should observe opening hours for class and should make assurance doubly score for convenance of dormitory life.
Chapter 6 Dormitory Life Guide
  • Article 26 (Dormitory Life guide)
    • ① The dormitory facilities and devices should be used in cleanness like one's own property.
    • ② The dormitory should be the place for improving sound human nature.
    • ③ The dormitory should be the place for educating social order and inspiring pride as Dasomese(Dasom-In).
  • Article 27 (Observed matters)
  • The observed matters of borders' life should be ruled by enforcement ordinance attached as <The dormitory life instruction> and used for inspecting borders' attitudes.
Chapter 7 Student Dormitory Council
  • Article 28 (Purpose)
  • Composing student dormitory council with representative of each room's captain, it aims to manage healthy life culture and plan convenient and stable school life for borders.
  • Article 29 (Role)
  • Management of student dormitory council should be done in trust by preparing guides related to the dormitory with main axis of room captains and collecting borders' opinions. The members should manage the council autonomously and reasonably in teachers' cares and concerns.
  • Article 30 (Structure)
  • The council is run by room captains under guidance of the dormitory managers and room captain should be selected by managers through the management council's consideration and approved finally by the school principal.
  • Article 31 (Qualification for Room Captain)
  • The qualification for room captain is the third grade but in absence of the grade, the highest grader may be assigned. Room captain should follow the student life regulation and the dormitory management regulation. When violating the regulation, he/she may be removed from the position . However, proposal of withdrawing the removal from the position through vote by Student dormitory council is available and it is decided by the school principal.
Supplementary provision
  • Article 1
  • The regulation is enforced on Mar 2 2012.

The School Evaluation

The purpose
  • ① The result on the school curriculum evaluation should be reflected to planning next curriculum with being out of formal evaluation and done substantially on planning and managing the curriculum.
  • ② The evaluation will be on yearly basis and the result is used for planning and managing the curriculum.
The Contents of evaluation

The evaluation questtionnaires aim to know your opinion on managing the curriculum in our school. Check with √ mark on your evaluation paper(Very right=5, right=4, So-so=3, Slightly No=2 and None=1).

The Contents of evaluation
5 4 3 2 1
Preparing the curriculum 1. Was the structure for developing curriculum balanced considering classification, subject and grades?
2. Is the structure for developing curriculum democratically managed?
3. Did it analyze sufficiently the guide for planning and managing high school curriculum of Chungcheongbukdo?
4. Did it analyze current status and requirement of teachers, students and parents and characteristics of the local society?
5. Did it analyze the status of managing curriculum in the late year?
Planning the curriculum 6. Did every member of the school participate in the planing curriculum?
7. Was basic Plan for the curriculum reflected and accomplished the medium and long term developing plan of school?
8. Did the school reflect the educational condition of school when planning the curriculum?
9. Did the school plan and manage the curriculum in balance?
Managing the curriculum 10. Did the school plan and manage its own special education program properly?
11. Did the curriculum process according to the plan?
12. Did teachers do their best to improve teaching-learning methods?
13. Was the evaluation by teachers done properly?
14. Was the evaluation of curriculum done in fairness and trust?
Managing the creative experience activities 15. Was the analysis and measurement on the evaluation result on curriculum proper?
16. Did the school plan creative experience activities which reflects educational conditions of the school and opinions of school members.
17. Was balanced the plan and allocation of creative experience activities?
18. Was there detailed management plan for each 4 areas(autonomy, club, volunteer work and career exploration and planning?
19. Were the creative experience activities planned and managed in relation with academic subject and after-school activities?
20. Did the school plan properly the evaluation by areas when the creative experience activities were evaluated by students?
Supporting system on the curriculum 21. Does the school principal follow democratic procedures and methods to solve the problems during executing curriculum?
22. Does the school manage autonomous scholarship and research study to be helpful to improve professionality of teachers's class
23. Is the school budget for management and improvement of curriculum reasonably planned and executed?
24. Is information necessary for academic and human nature guidance properly offered?
25. Is the outside advertizing activities of the school well-done?